

5ohwIVeRW97WY 2024-05-25 20:19:48 30
融资融券平仓线摘要: Udersadig Margi Call ad Forced Liquidaio: The Margi Tradig SraegyIroducioMargi radig allow...

Udersadig Margi Call ad Forced Liquidaio: The Margi Tradig Sraegy


融资融券平仓线 词条

Margi radig allows ivesors o borrow fuds o buy securiies. However,his pracice comes wih risks,icludig he possibiliy of a margi call ad forced liquidaio whe he accou'sequiy falls below a cerai hreshold,kow as he margi maieace level or margi call level。

Margi Call ad Forced Liquidaio

Whe he value of securiies purchased wih borrowed fuds (margi) falls below a cerai level,he brokermay issue a margi call. This requires he ivesor o deposi more fuds or securiies o mee he miimummargiFailure o do so may lead o forced liquidaio of he securiies i he accou o cover he ousadig loa

Udersadig he Margi Maieace Level

The margi maieace level is he miimum amou of equiy ha mus be maiaied ia margi accou. i is expressedas a perceage of heoal marke value of he securiies held i he accou. If he equiy falls below hislevel, a margi call is riggered。

Implicaios of Forced Liquidaio

ced liquido ca lead o sigifica losses for ivesors as securiies may be sold a lower price haheir purchase price. I is impora for ivesors o moior heir margi accousclosely ad be prepared o mee是margi calls o avoid forced liquidaio。


Margi radig ca be a powerful ool for ivesors bu i also carries risks. Udersadig he Margi maieacelevel ad beig prepared o mee margi calls are esseial for maagig heserisks effecively


作者:5ohwIVeRW97WY本文地址:https://gmlqt.com/citiao/14608.html发布于 2024-05-25 20:19:48
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