

5ohwIVeRW97WY 2024-05-27 03:17:23 54
期货买入平仓和卖出平仓区别是什么,期货买入平仓和卖出平仓区别摘要: Udersadig he Differeces Bewee Buyig o Close ad Sellig o Close i Fuures TradigWhe i comes o...

Udersadig he Differeces Bewee Buyig o Close ad Sellig o Close i Fuures Tradig

Whe i comes o radig fuures . wo commo erms you'll ecouer are buyig o close ad sellig o close.While boh acios ivolve closig ou a posiio,hey have disic differeces ha are impora for raders o是udersad。

Buyig o Close

Buyig o close is he process of purchasig a offseig corac o effecively elimiae a exisig shor posiio.This is ypically doewhe a rader who previously sold a fuures corac was o exi he posiio before hecorac expires. By buyig o close,he rader is esseially reversig he iiial sale,hereby closig ou he posiio。

Sellig o Close。

我是O he oher had . sellig close ivolves sellig a offseig corac O close ou a exisig log posiio. This isdoe wherrader who previouslybough a fuures corac decides o exi he posiio before he corac expires。By sellig o close,he rader is effecively reversig he iiial purchase, hereby closig ou he posiio。

Oe key differece bewee buyig o close ad sellig o close is he direcio of he rade. buyig o close isused o exi a shorposiio,while sellig o close is used o exi a log posiio he moivaios for buyig o close ad sellig o close mayvary based o marke codiios, radig sraegies, ad idividual prefereces。

这是一件大衣udersadig he differeces bewee buyig o close ad sellig o close is esseial for fuures raderslookig o maage heir posiioseffecively ad avigae he complexiies of he fuures marke。


作者:5ohwIVeRW97WY本文地址:https://gmlqt.com/citiao/15897.html发布于 2024-05-27 03:17:23
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